Consumed by the recurring emotional brouhahas for the past years, now comes the point where my heart is gradually losing its sanity. Exhaustion rules my life, a life which has always been manipulated by miseries, miseries that seem to be infinitely attached to me. I woke up at the wrong side of the bed today, and i know that tis will go through for quite a time. I haven't had my decent forty winks for I had been hearing whispers of murmurs coming from God-knows-where, reason for my malignant insomia which may contibute to my further fall into a thorny cliff where uncertainties prepares the red carpet for my arrival. I haven't fallen into slumber that my body has frozen into the brink of demise.
My heart has been torn to pieces, shattered into space, smashed to an almost-critical state. Time and again, it has continued working amid the constant horror attached to every palpitation it does, it has continued recuperating despite the stiffling shackles attached to every beating it does, it has continued expressing its sheer unadulterated intentions of sharing itself to another soul in search for company. Yet, it feels the numbness triggered by the very last smashing that SOMEONE dared to make.
Am i not worth keeping? Am i not good enough? Don't i deserve a chance to redeem my self to its fullest glory before finally being ditched int othe abyss of oblivion, into the chamber or rejection, into almost-close-to-nothingness. I feel so broken. I really am. I can feel every inch of it. I can feel tha pang of pain slowly permeating into the very tip of my fingers running down to the depth of anatomy. My psyche has been disengaging itself from reality, making a forced attempt to drown itself into the very depth of the earth, beyond six feet under the ground, where no one can see, hear, smell and touch. Now, I am asking for nothing but a hand to pull me out of the ditch I dug myself. I am been carried away by the strong current of the river of death, bringing me to what I may call home or to what may not.